Monday, March 14, 2011

miss you Mama :(

Assalamualaikum ;)

knock knock!
anybody homeeeee? i'm here for you :D
arghh lama nya tak hup date belog ini!
cehh skema pulak kan! kikiki

now dah pukul 2 pagi *hari Selasa*

so bile tak dapat nak melelapkan mata, macam biasa,
mula la nak mencoret sesuatu kat wall Nia Suraya Tales nie :D

herm semalam mama call sampai pukul 4 pagi
wahh terharunye anak mama nie taw dapat call dari mama tercinta~
*borak sakan ye kite ma* kalau Mama cite, 1001 malam pon tak habes taw! hehe

and you know what?
too many Good News i'm heard from my Mama.
Target dah dicapai. Memang salute lahh :))
bahagia nye bile dengar suara ceria mama on call.
Bahagia sangat :)))

You are the only one Mama.
Ain tawu mama penat handle bisnes individually there.
Yes!! I know you are too strong enough Mama!
you are the most Superb Mama i ever had!
Tok Wan pon mesti dah makin sihat kan bila Mama ada.
Alhamdulillah syukur sangat bila Mama story bisnes dah makin mantap.
Ramai customer keluar masuk office.
Berkat doa dan usaha kita sekeluarga kan.

And congrats for the 'Mata Belalang' tehee
oooo rahsia yee!! grr, At last dah terbongkar kan. hehe
tak sabar Ain nak balik dah nieee taw :D
miss you so much ma :(

Btw, i wants you to know that I'm always support you from behind Mama :D
thanks for every single love that you give for me Mama ;)
Lots of LOVE from me to you :)
Salam Good Nite~
*nanti Ain tunaikan permintaan mama taw* :D
sekarang busy cikit laa. So, tergendala plan hee :)

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