Tuesday, March 29, 2011

aiyakkk! Ha fa zan -.-

aiyaai capten!!! wooooo!

Assalamualaikum :)
ini hari punya celita!
aiyakk slang amoi cina pulok.

hmmm pagi tadi sedar sedar pukul 7.10 pagi.
aiyakk solat Subuh. haihh subuh gajah jadinye.
then apo lagi bangun dengan longlainye menuju ke bilik air.
amek wudhu solat pastu baru la mandi. KANTOII Haha!
wahh segar gila lepas kene air. FRESHHH :)))

Ain ohh Ain ape laa nak jadi dengan ekau nie.
Final exam dah dekat.
3 weeks je lagi kott insaf insaf laa Ain oiii.
*act tadi dah excited nak wat past year
question Physics tapi terbengkalaiii*
*alasan sebab stuck kat soalan first first*
haihh camne tuuu -.-
nak tanye kat expert takut kacau time study diorang pulak
*alasan tak cukup munasabahan Ain* grr
okay ubah mind set yee Ain. gunakan masa sebaik nyee yaww ;)
*and jangan buat harapan palsu* grr hate it!!

haa SAMBUNGAN cite tadi***

pagi tadi kelas CTU dengan Ustaz Bakhtiar Jelani.
nasib baik la eden ngn Farah masok kelas sharp pukul 8.10 pagi.
kalau tak tadi tak pasal2 kene stay kat luar kelas.
sebabnye ustaz kunci pintu tak bagi late comers masuk.
bunyi memang klaka oii. seksa kot sape yang lewat tuu.
haihh memang sujud syukur la kan dapat masok sebelum dikunci
*ye ye je* ustaz siap tanye lagi nak kunci ke tak?
mostly said : kunci jee ustaz! tapppp! *bunyik pintu dikunci*
KESIAN kan? ish ish ish
*padahal aku memang suka tengok orang terKENA* hee ^^
ta baek ouhhhh!

hari ni kitorang belajar tentang tamadun kerajaan Abbasiyah ;)

Ustaz mengajar dengan dedikasi nya :DD
tekun eden mendengar nyee ^^
*aiyakk betol la tak tipu woo* -.-

supposed to be lepas kelas CTu ade Lab Chemistry.
tapi disebabkan udah setel experiment Chem last week
maka! tiada Lab Chem so hanya 2 kelas je hari ni.
maksudnye kelas sampai pukul 10 jee
pastu pukul 3 ptg pulak. HEAVEN kannn! wuhuuuu
btw disebabkan tak buat Hafazan with Tilawah lagi
*sebab kecut perut tak nak wat hafazan dalam kelas* tehee
tambah tambah dalam name's list nama paling BAWAH! -.-

So, lepas habes kelas je tadi terus kejar ustaz
yg tengah otw naik lif nak ke level 1.
and soseh soseh *perbincangan laa* ! yeahh done!!
so appointment with ustaz pukul 11 pagiiii.
disebabkan Mira *ma Ctu's classmate*
the one those doing Hafazan with meeee ade kelas for an hour.
okay scroll bawah ----->

muka ngantok mata kuyu -.-
taraaaaa with Mira! she's the TOP businesswoman taww ^^

So while waiting for Mira i decided to take some breakfast!
Laksam + mineral water + kek batik keras *sebab Merry dye keras*
*erkk tercekik kott = SARAPAN tok pagi tuu *weirdo ke?* lantak pi laa!
sodapp wooo Laksam tuu! even makin lama makin sikit
but harga RM3 still MAINTAIN! tak patut! huh!
goshhh memang sakan kott cekik darah.
so bila lapa sangat kan harga dah tak kesah!
tak kan ku biar perut berkeroncong! Haha saiko~

okay surrounding Cafe tepi One Stop.

meriah dengan student yg kelaparan lepas habes class .
*including me yaww*


tengah dok khusyuk menghafal maksud surah al Zalzalah
tupp tup Mira call and she said that dye dah kat Blok Admin.
so dengan hati gundah gulana Lang Buana!
takut kene soal dgn ustaz manyak manyak*
eden bergegas ke Admin and jumpa Mira kt lif.
sambil tuu mulut dah terkumat kamit menghafal
*tipu jee* hihi

tokkk tokk!

dahhhh sampaiiii depan pintu. lubb dupp!
heartbeat makin kencang! fuhhh!

MASUKK!! fuhh dengar suara ustaz pon dah gabra.
tapi disebabkan ustaz sambut dengan senyuman
so chill laa kan hee hee. pandai ustaz treat ^^
then masok masok terus duduk kat seat depan meja ustaz.
Mira seat belah kiri eden.
Mula tu ustaz dah pesan bawak AQ sendiri.
tapi kitorang tak bawak. so wat la muka kesian + simpati
then cakap yg kitorang tak bawak AQ.
fuhh legaaa! ustaz memahami :)
dalam hati* untunglaa tak kena tolak markah* hee

so bermulalah Tilawah dan diakhiri dengan Hafazan.
disebabkan ustaz bagi pilih surah sendiri
dye tanye soalan CEPUMAS nyahh!
terkezut makk kott!

bermulalah sesi temu bual :

Ustaz: ape yang kamu paham tentang surah Al Zalzalah?
NS : ***err surah nie menceritakan tentang gunung ganang
yang bergoncang dgn dashyatnye. ****
maka dsbbkan itu manusia keluar dari kubur secara berkelompok
utk diperlihatkan balasan di atas amalan yg mereka
lakukan di dunia. *muka yakin doe*
ustaz: ayat mane yg menerangkan tentang keadaan manusia tu ye?
NS : *eden bace ayat yg ke 6*
*muka confident* mesti !
Ustaz: kamu pasti Ain?
NS : yee ustaz. saya pasti! *confident bhaii*
ustaz: okay, giliran kamu pulak Mira.

fuhhh legaa kott!
alhamdullillah! bole jawab yeay! takut nyahh tunggu habes!
pastu selesai Mira kene soal bagai boleh pulak laa kitorang
berborak sakan dengan ustaz. Happy ending gitu haa. tetibe -.-'
sampai la pukul 12.10 tengahari.
Act ustaz cakap dye free sampai pukul 12 jee.
oooit terlajak yee Ustaz. Ustaz masok kelas lewat eaaa.
nanti kene kunci pintu camne? hihi

aiyakkk kalau la ustaz terbaca neh habesla*
watakuciii! sori ampun Ustaz :)) tamaw marah yee ^^

so after done all the WORKS!
balik bilik settle kan Lab Chem report.

and at the Evening pulak *heavy RAIN*
laypark + LUNCH Nasi Ayam Percik
okay lunch petang kott tadehal lah :D
kat Anjung Seri Perpatih O.o fuhh konyang den!

sebabnyee Hujan Lebat. It's raining again and again.
fuhhh sojuk sojuk~ lepak pon jadi lama kat Anjung!
basah kuyup sume.

haaa nie labas UiTm yang selalu pack macam sardin
mostly time nak outing even nak pogi night market kat Pilah
perghh memang pack tahap gaban. sabola yobb Ain. nasebb ekau la!

at last before balik Seri Menanti 4
see bottom *

belok kediaman kesayangan ku bersama cik Nur Farawahidah
mintak mintak dapat stay kolej lagi sem depan Amin!!

ade someone tegur. ce teka ce teka?
sore dye comey2. hihihi taraaa!

haaa nie dye my beloved Mun omey :)
mata silau la pulok.
tape kite maintain comey kan Mun kan kan :]

OKAI PAPAI. maw tido sok kelas Bel pulak. yaww
"inglish is fannn" okay jangan tiru Manglish yee!
Dee la neh pemangkin Manglish goyak haha :P

bawah nie pulak status malam nie :DD
klik kat gambo kalau nak tengok bosau bosau. ^^

EXPOSED hee ^^
ilal' liqa wa La Tahzan ;)

Friday, March 25, 2011

mood malas nak update bloggie :( sum up with PiCNiK hobi masa lapang NS! C:

taraaaaaa awwww awww!

okay tak okay tak? i mean tone on that picture la! grr
orang yang dalam gambo tuu jangan cakap laa memang dah okay pon.
*ayat amek hati sendiri* hee hee :P
nice right? herm yelaa puji diri sendiri lagi best kan.
okay hari mood edit picca sangat terserlah nyahh!!
-actually gambo neh dah lama wat pekasam dalam lappy (folder Nia Suraya Tales)
mention itu penting heee :)

AND AND for todayy tanggal 25 Mac 2011
platun platun Kesatria Negara yang terpilih telah
diarahkan supaya menghadiri KEM TAHANAN
haha tergelabah sudah. okay dah bersedia nak pergi neh.
papai you all. nantikan post seterusnya okay!

untuk makluman lanjut klik gambo nun di bawah neh :)))
wahh wahh suka nye NS -.-

excited nak masok hutan kott dah nie
walaupun indah khabar BERITA dari rupa
sobs sabaw je le!

Assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

opss i did again! ^^

shh shh! cakap slow slow! bisik bisik jee taw.

nak taw tak nak taw tak?
misi hari nie berjalan seperti biasa.
yeah yeah. suka pulak kan! misi ape?
misi Blog Walking curik curik gune wifi UiTMNS.
gelak jahat :DD ha ha ha!

actually entry nih wat mase miss tengah sibok lecture kat depan.
hihi BLOGGING time lab Math memang terbaek la kan!
walaweh orang lain sibuk buat tuto,
eden dengan sonang hati je ngelat kat belakang.
opss sorry miss. take for granted sometimes sure can right?

hee :D
okay TIME UP!
kelas dah ends.
balik bilik now ^^
papai Daa!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

LOVE is weirdo -.-


The most beautiful view is the one I share with you.

tokk tokk! nak masok bole? aiyakk!!
masokkleeeee *gaya Nenek tua dalam cite Jangan Pandang Belakang*
err sape ek name nenek tuu. humm jap jap loading pulak~
herm ntahla dah tak hengat dah sape pelakonnye. wah manyak kijam tol aku neh. grr
okay!! tu tak penting pon! so ape yang penting sekarang ? KERJASAMA!!!
haa tetibe pulak masok slot cite katun 'Wonderpets' nie. dah kenapa?
err saiko -.-

what im'ma supposed to write tonyte?
okay keep on thinking --! haa dah dapat idea~
memang superb la ek wat sesape yang bole stay up memalam ne kan!

yimme i'm owl night okay :))))

so no wonder la pukul 4 pagi baru nak tido kann.
*okay okay tak bajet tido lewat* hee :@
tapi kalau stay up tuu, sembahyang SUBUH tuu WAJIB la jugak ditunaikan kan.
haa kan bagus kalau cenggitu. BARAKAH tuu penting :)
ececeh macam ceramah AGAMA la pulak. hee nak berdakwah sedikit tak salahkan AWAK~
soo kalau nak solat Subuh tuu faham faham jelaa kan.
as usual terpaksa la housemate2 kesayangan eden nie bangunkan.
act, eden neh kalau dah tidoo loceng kebakaran bunyi pon tak kan tersedar lahh.
siyes tak tipu kott haha *caye la caye la*
and memang conpem confirm lentok lagi dibuai mimpi yang indah lagi
ngee ngee *tak senonoh punya perangai*

bila mata tak boleh nak katup :
mula la tangan nie menggatai nak gugel something interesting for my soul!
ahaa! you wanna know what imma doing?
pogi YOUTUBE *macam biasa laa*
klik klik cari lagu best best!
jeng jeng jeng! I FOUND IT :DDD
-IF YOU ARE NOT THE ONE by Daniel Bedingfield-
'waa lirik dye memang touching menyayat hati bikin cair kott.
jum jum nyanyi sesame TEHEE :D
*sebelum nyanyi tu bukak video clip nye dulu taw then baru nyanyii*
hee :)

If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one, then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine, then why does your heart return my call?
If you you are not mine, would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with :DDD
*that time will coming sooner*

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you, then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you, then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me, then why does this distance name my life?
If you're not for me, then why do I dream of you as my wife/husbands? *tukar*

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through and I hope
You are the one I share my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray that you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss your **** and soul so strong
That it takes my breath away
And I breath you into my heart
And I pray for the strength to stand today

'Cause I love you whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you *******
And though my heart is by your side

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

wuu sweet like candy kan if someone sing this song for me!
demand yee Ain. okay memang demand~
ha ha ha saiko lagi -.-
tapi tak la demand sangat pon.
terima seadanya laa. ececeh ayat pasrah!

Credits too my sayangss housemate Hafifa Kamdi coz lend me your Celcom Bband.
sayangs kw ketat ketat laa!
act my Bb still stuck kot. So imma waiting for Mama to settle it down.
goshhh sengsara kot ta bole on9 guna bb sendiri. -.-
hanya Tuhan yang tahu! :)))
btw korang C.H.E.E.R.S always okay!
xoxo nanyte wuu ngantok sehh!

p/s: act malam nie happy sangat sangat.
woahh woahh teruja gila yee Ain.
sebabnyeeeee Melin Chomot
buat community page 'KAMI BLOGGER UiTM NEGERI SEMBILAN' untuk blogger2 di UitmNS.
manyak terharu kot dapat jejak kaseh blogger2 kat sini.
i really joy can meet them with their own 'world'. cool kot.
bersoseh soseh kat Facebook n beramah mesra alam pon sudah.
act, mostly ade jugak yang tak kenal even duduk bawah tempurung yang sama.
haha TEMPURUNG the Pills yeah! sayang korang lahh :)
so ape kata kita buat Gathering nanty.
sure sambutan HANGAT HOT HOT n COLD!

to my future Man :) Pabila Tahap Demanding Yang Superb!

ehem kali nie bagi salam panjang cikit.
sebab nye terover excited tok entry kali neh!
okay, sila sila scroll ke bawah.
happy reading yaww!

comel gila! bak kata Dee ^^
comel macam aku kan Dee. hee ;p
i love children
i love my honey bunny
i love my little cousin
budak comey omey kat atas tu la my cousin
-Hanie Azzahra Helmi Azuan-
little daughter of my Mak Su -Nor Zuhra Sulaiman-

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
if your a girl- post it as my kind of boy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking
- sweet to look after pon dah cukup :D
tak de acne (jerawat batu normal la tu)
and metroseksual *mean jage kebersihan muka & badan*
wah suka suka ;) err tak bermaksud jambu okay!

2. Smart?
-for sure! so that mama and abah will be impressed on you.
so, work for it to be the smartest yaa! ngee o.0
and smarter than me! nanti bole la nak debat debat!
tak pon diam jee. taw? err boring la pulak nanti kalau diam.
jangan diam sangat tau ^^

3. Preferred age?
-Don't really care bout this
matured than me -enough.
for sure boleh guide me.

4. Preferred height?
-Tall guy :)
tapi kalau shorter than me tuu murah rezeki namenye hihi

5. How about piercings? (bertindik)
-tak cukup sempurna lagi ke lubang hidung tuu?
manusia ke lembu?
grr next lane please! behave behave laa.

6. Accepts you for who you are?
-of course :) accept me just the way i are! *Bruno mars ^^*
would you?
if so? i will treat you nicely :D

7.Pink hair?
-euww bapok nyahh!

8. Mushy or no?
-lembek macam lempeng? euww tolong la tough even tade muscle!
kalau tak camne nak jadi protector! okay saya memang demand! haha

9. Thin or fat?
-not so thin but not so fatty!
macam kim hyun jung boleh? ( sape tu? gi google sane! x.x )

10. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
- black + brown + white = jadi hape? haa campur jela. hihi
nak brown macam saya lah! oke tak? hee

11. Long hair or short hair?
- short laa. baru nampak kemas! tertawan kott. and tak payah la mohawk sangat!
eee sumpah tak suka macam mamat moto mat rempit. geli !!!

12. Plastic or metal?
-heavy metal? haha
layan Paramore lee :D
macam saya~

13. Smells good?
-yahh nak bau macam candy! haha
so i mean type jage bau badan.
kene wangi and tak malas mandi! ^^

14. Smoker?
-boleh? bole BLAHH!!
hate to heavy smokers. shuh shuhh
i really hate smoke. so, leave it or i will leaving you!
mind you! :)

15. Drinker?
-tak tahu hukum ke? Redbull sudaa.

16. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
-Boleh jugak :D stylo.
tapi simple for me pon dah cukup.
tak selekeh and smart looking.
t shirt + jeans = simple la tu. :))
if pakai kolar tee tu kasi kemas la kat leher tu yee.

17. Muscular?
- erkk not soo!
tak payah la body builder sangat.
six pack pun dah cukup! haha
pergi gym la eh. kikiki

18. Plays piano?
-Okay romantik.

19. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
-both lagi bagus. 'i suka orang pandai maen gitar akustik'
nanty bole ajar laa and jamming same same.
so belajar maen gitar dari sekarang ye awak ! wahh tehee -.-

20. Plays violin?
-herm bole jugak kot? macam sentimental jee

21. Sings very good?
-Nice one. make sure sedap sore tuu *.*
boleh gi karoke'ing sama sama nanty.
i love to 'melalak'. gotchaa!
saya Bunga Citra Lestari
awak Ari Lasso.
lagu- Aku dan Dirimu. amacam? hee

22. Vain?
-nooo. for sure must deeply meaningfull for me!
so, when you belong with me, that means you are the chosen one for me.
i will take care of it no matter what's happening.
i promise you ;)
and take note : i'm not easily fall in love with someone.
ehemm dedicated for my jodoh nanti ^^

23. With glasses?
-erk kalau boleh tak nak! hee
nak gene(baka) yang mata cerah je sume :)
clean and clear. tak rabun malam jugak.
nanti tak susah nak drive waktu malam hihi

24. With braces?
-yimme. tak kott !
biar eden jela yang pakai braces sooner :)))

25. Shy type?
- suka suka! malu erk?
i'm a bit talkative.
so kalau dua dua cakap banyak susah jugak.
gentle laa sikit :D woahh
tapi jangan la diam sangat macam cakap dengan tunggul
grr tolong la paham -.-

26. Rebel or good boy/girl?
- good + humble + polite + smart + stylo *tak selekeh* hehe
i adore you ;)

27. Active or passive?
-balance mood okay!
i'm asertif. so are you ;)

28. Tight or bomb?
-apekah? -.-

29. Singer or dancer?
- definitely the best singer for me :)))

30. stunner?
- Stylo :)))

31. Hiphop?
-layannnn :)

32. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
-huh!!! noooooo way!

33. Dimples? (lesung pipit)
-wahh comel jee tengok muka dye.
nak dye senyum jela.
nak tengok lesung pipit.
erkk agak gedik* gaha

34. Bookworm?
- There's a guy who read so much? really? who?
score in Physics? okay i want it.
YESSS! what's your name? :D
can you teach me how to answer this ?
bla bla bla -.-

35. Mr/Ms. love letter?
-erkk oryte lah. macam zaman dahulu kala.
romantik kott pos surat cinta haha

36. Playful?
-cool huh. go to H***
D*** S***

37. Flirt?
-err, not my taste!
tak payah nak flirt sangat laa.
macam desperado + cheap sangat jee. daaa!

38. Poem writer?
-yeah, cool.
i love to read it :)
saya berjiwa bahasa.
so awak pon kena berbahasa jugak!
please mind your manners!
jaga ATTITUDE ;)
show me your educated 'ness.
easy right? :)

39. Serious?
win win situation la.
what you give you get back!

40. Campus crush?
-tak payah la sangat.
susah laa ramai adore nanti x.x

41. Painter?
-stylo jugak.berseni kot!

42. Religious?
-bonus + i adore you more.
for guiding me the truth way :)
'kalau diri sendiri tak betul macam mana nak guide saya kan?'
so betulkan diri anda dahulu from now.
fikir fikirkan :)

43. Someone who likes to tease people?
-wow, try me :p
i will tease you more :DDD

44. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
-me either! lol tak payah nak DOTA sangat!
btw, commonly up to date with new upcoming gadgets.
saya suka lepak Low Yat :D soo? wanna out?

45. Speaks 20 languages?
-wahh terrer. bole jadi translator.
sebab nanti tengok cerita korea tak payah la tengok subtitle.
yela kan dah ade translater hihihi
ana uhibbuka ! ^_^

46. Loyal or faithful?
-both :D
jangan sampai hilang kepercayaan tuu.
when there is no trust there is no loyalty.
mind it again :)

47. good kisser?
-Err no comment! :p
goshh haha!

48. loves children?
-Yeah :)
same goes to me.
i love you when you love children.
err boleh pulak cenggitu yee -.-

yeayy i'm done!!!

Why am I answering all these?? @_@ because i'm tagged -.-

Friday, March 18, 2011

Penat sehh!

:2.22 am equals to 18 Mac 2011:
ehem ehem
Assalamualaikummmm! tak jawab sayangggggggg!

yuckss tak payah nak sayang sayang sangat yee!
shuhh shuhhh booooo! haha

awak dah makan?
saya? dahhhhh dahh!!! makan apa?
makan Bihun Sup Utara taw! *kempunan makanan utara punya pasai*
pepagi buta makan bihun sup memang terbaek la kan -.-
hee cane bole makan lambat yee?
sibok la ari hari nie awak. jadual pack gila tahap gaban kott.
pagi tadi dah kene sentap dengan kuiz Math. naseb la bole jawab ^^
then masok lab Physics dah tak payah buat experiment dah.
sebabnye dah setel dah sume experiment! hoorayyyyy!
Miss Mardiyana siap pesan:sent your lab report by next week ASAP.
sy dah bagi mase seminggu,
kamu nakkkk jugak last minute wat lab report in one day! tehee sorry miss. We knew that we not supposed to be like that.
Teringat pulak saya kejar miss semata mata nak hantar lab report
sebab tak nak miss tolak 1 markah
* weh 1 marks pon berharga taw : effects carry marks douhh *
sayangssss Miss :D ( nak jugak cakap even saya taw miss tak kan bace pon entry kudus ini hee )

Monday, March 14, 2011

Malas punya Syndrom!

Assalamualaikum sume :)

mesti korang pernah feel situation kat bawah ni kan kan :)))

mata : erkkk ngantok nyeee! *terbukak tutup* terbukak tutup*
otak : alaa tido jelaa! esok kan boleh cover lagi kott!
mulut: eh tak boleh. nak kene Study laaa! suke je kan study last minute!
mata : alaaaa... pastu tup tupp terus tertutup** haaa! ayokk kantoi sudaaa!

okay, take Five !!
mesti pernah punye laa kan?
yahh gimme tenn :)

pe nak jadi eh?
nak study je malas?
waktu malas je nak study?
hihihi adat resam la tuu ekk! erkk? hee

'hermm, ngantoknye malam nie'

nak study?? ohh jangan harap laa.
susah nak tengok eden menghadap Physics tuu
*bab projectile motion lagi laaa sesak!*
Chemistry boleh la nak menahan. Aufbau laa. Balmer laa.
tapi yang paling suka! gila adore! yahh I do love Biology.
paling score la kan. Dark reactions a.k.a Calvin cylcle x] ececeh!
sure suka laa sir Zaini kalau terbaca entry budak SS neh! hihi
Tapi yang klakanye buku Camphbell setebal alam tu takde pon diselaknye.
haihh pelik kan camne bole score? opss bukan nak riak taww :))

arghh, malasnyee nak wat revision!!!!
tapi bila ingat pesan Mama + ingat pesan Abah + ingat Fams ;(
mula la rase teruja semangat gyla nak study. rindu kat depa suma :(
selalu kalau esok nyee ade test, malam tuu baru la kelam kelibut nak menelaah.
baru laa nak order Neslo ais kat anjung Selera Perpatih Uitm Negeri Sembilan
(perlu laa nak mention fully) haha saiko -.-'
padahal tertido lentok jugak atas buku.
At last, buku jugak yang baca aq adela. ngeh~

haihh!!! aigooo!!! got you SNASI !!
anjakan paradigma dalam diri Ain Suraya !!!

Wake up Ain!
Boost your Spirit like the old zaman kegemilangan Ain Suraya!
Come on Dear! make them 'Mama and Abah' proud of you !

There is a long journey upcoming sooner!

Well, i know that it is not easy for being a Human!
yaa i'm not Supernatural!
so move on and COLOURS your World!
Spread your word! make your own move!
let's others know it! ;D

*act i'm feeling so tired today!*
stamina macam tak cukup! haih

add on :
thinking of my memories :(
*demm it* let's it passed by!
thinking of my future
thinking of myself :)
*no worries Ain, Allah always by your side dear :))*

and i'm so sorry for being someone hurt.
sorry, i did'nt mean to it. Please kindly forgiving me.
zero zero okay? :)

so that, sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada:


Quitters never win, winners never quit!
take the challenge Ain !! yeahh !! ^^
Study smart sayangsss :D

maw tido dahh !!
esok awal pagi ade kelas CTU
(Islamic Thought and Civilization)-ustaz Bakhtiar-
kalau sempat nak wat Hafazan + Tilawah awal2 dgn ustaz esok pagi hee :)

*teman penawar di kala Study mood*

miss you Mama :(

Assalamualaikum ;)

knock knock!
anybody homeeeee? i'm here for you :D
arghh lama nya tak hup date belog ini!
cehh skema pulak kan! kikiki

now dah pukul 2 pagi *hari Selasa*

so bile tak dapat nak melelapkan mata, macam biasa,
mula la nak mencoret sesuatu kat wall Nia Suraya Tales nie :D

herm semalam mama call sampai pukul 4 pagi
wahh terharunye anak mama nie taw dapat call dari mama tercinta~
*borak sakan ye kite ma* kalau Mama cite, 1001 malam pon tak habes taw! hehe

and you know what?
too many Good News i'm heard from my Mama.
Target dah dicapai. Memang salute lahh :))
bahagia nye bile dengar suara ceria mama on call.
Bahagia sangat :)))

You are the only one Mama.
Ain tawu mama penat handle bisnes individually there.
Yes!! I know you are too strong enough Mama!
you are the most Superb Mama i ever had!
Tok Wan pon mesti dah makin sihat kan bila Mama ada.
Alhamdulillah syukur sangat bila Mama story bisnes dah makin mantap.
Ramai customer keluar masuk office.
Berkat doa dan usaha kita sekeluarga kan.

And congrats for the 'Mata Belalang' tehee
oooo rahsia yee!! grr, At last dah terbongkar kan. hehe
tak sabar Ain nak balik dah nieee taw :D
miss you so much ma :(

Btw, i wants you to know that I'm always support you from behind Mama :D
thanks for every single love that you give for me Mama ;)
Lots of LOVE from me to you :)
Salam Good Nite~
*nanti Ain tunaikan permintaan mama taw* :D
sekarang busy cikit laa. So, tergendala plan hee :)